Tag Archives | self care rituals


#232: How I Radically Transformed My Stressaholic Behaviors and Traded Them in for More Peace

Stress is so unconscious in today’s society. We all deal with it, and we explain it away as being normal. But what if there’s something better waiting for you on the other side? What if abundant peace were possible, while you’re still living your life and achieving your goals? That is what I have for you today. Listen to this episode to hear how you can still be your rockstar self, without being fueled (and sabotaged) by stress.

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#227: What I Did to Get Pregnant at 40

As you get to your mid- to late-30s, many doctors will tell you that it’s getting to be “too late” to have a healthy pregnancy. But the reality is, you have the power to reduce your reproductive age with the right food, supplement, and lifestyle choices. Tune in today to hear what I did to prepare my body for pregnancy and give my baby all the best! I’ll cover what I ate, what I didn’t, the supplements that were crucial, and other practices that are helping me have the healthies pregnancy I can, for myself and the baby!

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#215: How Your Diet Can Make or Break Your Hormone Health

Everything you eat is either helping or hurting your hormones…there is no middle ground. Unlocking the power of food is the key to restoring your energy, revving your metabolism, helping you lose weight, supporting a healthy mood, and so much more. Tune in to today’s episode to hear my top 10 tips for using food to balance your hormones.

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#212: The Five Good-Girl Myths with Majo Molfino

Do you find yourself following external authorities rather than your own intuition? Do you people please, sacrifice yourself for others, or stifle your voice in the interest of keeping the peace? There is a good chance that you learned these tendencies from a young age, as many women do. Majo Molfino is on a mission to help women identify the ‘5 Good Girl Myths’ so that you can stop minimizing your power and start stepping into your truth.

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