Tag Archives | remedy

Working out FI

Internal Benefits of Working Out

You’re a hot mess. Between the brain fog, the mood swings, the lack of energy and your dwindling libido you can hardly keep up with your career, family and home life. If only you could get over this sluggish feeling and maybe get a good night’s sleep. And the hot flashes? Don’t get me started. It’s enough to make anyone think she’s losing her mind! Perimenopause is a time that can seemingly wreak havoc on any normal, sane woman.

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Brain power FI

Natural Solutions for Boosting Brain Power

There is a lot of hype out there right now about brain-boosting supplements and people are flocking to find the best solution for their needs. Taking a step in the right direction towards brain health and supporting your memory and cognitive function will greatly benefit your health in the future, but let’s be honest. With all of these new products flooding the market, can you really be sure that they are safe for you or the best option for your needs? You all know I always suggest an individual approach to any changes in your healthcare routine, and this is no exception! After doing a lot of research on the subject, there are no over-the-counter supplements that I can whole-heartedly suggest for anyone.

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