Tag Archives | immune system boost

reducetoxicload FI

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Toxic Load

Toxic chemicals plague our bodies from the air, what we eat, what we put on our body, and even our internal toxic overload from years of chemical exposure.  I know firsthand the damage it can do to your body and the effect that it can have on your mind and spirit as well.  Suffering from toxic load, I made it my personal mission to rid my body of the harmful effects of toxic chemicals and free radicals naturally – no quick-fix plans, no gimmicks, and no restrictive diets.  What I found was that significant lifestyle changes and revising my personal outlook on how I approached life transformed my everything.  And you can, too!  Take a look at these easy ways to begin to reduce your toxic load.

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stay healthy this fall FI

Top 5 Ways to Stay Healthy This Fall

Sweater weather is upon us and our daylight hours are slowly dwindling. For many of us, fall and winter are the hardest months to stick with our healthy lifestyle goals. This time of year, I am so tempted to skip my workouts, pop some avocado brownies in the oven,and binge watch my favorite TV series.

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Immunity Part2 Featured Image Edited

Boost Your Immune System Part 2: Stress, Lack of Sleep, & Toxicity

Welcome back to this three-part series on Immunity! I want to do everything possible to make you both knowledgeable about the products that dōTERRA has to offer you, but also give you the tools to reclaim your own health and wellness. In addition to poor nutrition and lack of exercise, there are several other factors that can compromise your immune system. If you reclaim control of these areas of your life, you will greatly increase your body’s ability to ward of these immune detractors. Getting a good night’s sleep, reducing the amount of stress in your life, and reducing the amount of toxins in your body and life will only free up the effort that your body may be currently putting into keeping these systems in check. dōTERRA gives you a variety of essential oils and blends that will enable your body to rebalance and recalibrate itself so that it can properly protect your immune system.

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