Tag Archives | hormone support

Template, Women's Wellness

5 Ways to Protect Your Brain Health and Keep Your Thinking Sharp

You walk into a room and forget why you’re there…

You start reading a page and then, halfway down, realize you’ve zoned out so you have to go back and start over…

Your brain feels SO scattered that it’s like herding cats to try to keep your thoughts focused on the email you’re trying to write…

And you’re SO frustrated because you feel like your memory is failing you, your brain is slowing down, and your mental energy is just nonexistent.

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Template, Women's Wellness

How to Use DIM Supplements for Hormone Balance

Hormone dysfunction (especially estrogen dominance) is raging in our world, so much so that our conventional doctors write these symptoms off as a “normal part of aging.” DIM is perfect for optimizing estrogen production, metabolism, and detoxification—all critical stages where any dysfunction could land you with estrogen dominance!

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