Suddenly Can’t Remember Things? 5 Ways to Boost Mitochondria Function to Clear Brain Fog

You know the feeling…

–Describing the “thing” because you can’t find the right word…
–Standing at the fridge door open, wondering why you opened it…
–Looking for your keys all over the house when they are in your hand…
–Propping up your brain with caffeine and sugar…


Nothing checks your superwoman status like brain fog.

How can you do and be all the things for all the people when you can’t even remember where your purse is?

Though people (and doctors) are quick to point the finger at hormones or sleep issues, I am here to tell you that 1) IT ISN’T NORMAL, and 2) YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT!

Read that again. 

You are not doomed to experience brain fog for the rest of your life. 

There are things happening in your body that are causing you to feel this way, and, even more importantly, things you can do to help yourself heal. 

Let’s take a trip inside the body…


You may remember from 7th grade biology that mitochondria are the cell’s power source. Chances are that you or someone you know is dealing with mitochondrial dysfunction. In fact, I would venture to say that if you are over 40, you can be sure that your mitochondria are not working at their best because of what your body goes through as it starts to age.

But that does not mean you are stuck feeling like your brain is drifting in a cloud.

I am here to give you your power back and help you feel and be the energized, clear-thinking rockstar that you deserve to be!

Mitochondria provide your body with immediate responses to your surroundings. They are programmed to help you fight off invaders, turn the food you eat into energy, and help your body get rid of all the waste it produces. There can be thousands of mitochondria in a cell, and your brain’s cells are some of the most densely populated with this little structure because of the amount of energy thinking and mental processing requires.

Any dysfunction with your mitochondria can leave your cells strapped for energy and cause them to be injured or die. Since the mitochondria take in nutrients from the foods you eat and convert it into the energy your cells use to thrive, anything negatively affecting your food or nutrition will also affect the mitochondrial production. Free radicals (waste substances produced through your body’s processes) also increase with mitochondrial problems, which means your body has more to filter out and not enough energy to do it.


When your cells are not able to turn all the nutrients you are consuming into energy, mental fatigue and brain fog are common results. Stress, chronic inflammation, blood sugar imbalances, and toxins can all tax your mitochondria and make them inefficient.

Your brain is one of your most active organs. I don’t have to tell you that it never totally shuts down and requires a constant flow of energy — we all know the feeling of not being able to find that “off switch.”

When you add your hectic lifestyle and chronic stress to the basic processes your brain is doing to keep you alive, you have a recipe for mitochondrial disaster that most likely leaves you feeling drained, confused, and helpless.


When I realized my mitochondria were to blame for my chronic fatigue, it was a life-changing revelation that started me on my path to healing. Here are some of the ways you can take control of your health and care for your mitochondria to help clear away your brain fog:

1 – Get More Antioxidants

One of the most common issues that comes with unhealthy mitochondria is an increase in free radicals in your body. These little chemicals can cause a lot of damage to the mitochondria and contribute to inflammation in your brain, making your brain fog worse. To keep your mitochondria healthy, it is important to make sure you are taking in some antioxidant-rich foods like berries, greens, nuts, and even a little dark chocolate.

One of my favorite antioxidants is Matcha tea. The components of matcha are not only antioxidants, but they also really help boost mental clarity. If you want more info on this wonderful drink and some fantastic recipes, check out my book The Matcha Miracle or my blog Matcha Green Tea Benefits & Uses.

2 – Cut Inflammation

Inflammation is the root of so many issues in your body, and mitochondrial health is no exception! Inflammation causes the mitochondria to have to work harder, making them wear out and produce extra waste products for your system to manage. These substances cause more inflammation in your system, which makes your mitochondria have to work harder….and the cycle continues.

Some ways you can give your mitochondria a boost are by removing inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, simple carbs, sugars, etc.), staying hydrated, and detoxing to help flush out your system. One of the simplest ways to reduce overall inflammation in your body and restore sleep, hormone health, and clear thinking is with magnesium supplements (click here to get the one I recommend).

3 – Reduce Stress with Self-Care

Stress reprograms your mitochondria and keeps them from functioning at their best. The way our busy schedules keep us running from one thing to the next puts constant stress on our cells, making us feel foggy all the time. The best ways to combat this are with restful sleep and quality self-care routines. 

You deserve to take the time for yourself to help your cells heal. Self-care is NOT selfish! It is necessary to restore your energy and help you to be your best. Maybe that means going to bed early a couple of days a week, or a relaxing bath soak, or a restorative massage. Whatever it looks like for you to reduce your stress, it needs to become routine to help your mitochondria give you the energy you need.

4 – Lower Your Toxic Load

Toxins can build up in your mitochondria, making them sluggish and less effective at producing energy. We encounter toxins on a daily basis, both in our homes and in our environments.

There are many ways to reduce your toxic load, but the most effective start with a giant trash bag and some label looking! Start with your bathroom — you’d be amazed how many chemicals are in your daily care products. Trading these out for natural alternatives is an important first step in reducing your toxic load. Following up with eating clean foods, using natural cleaning products, and detoxing regularly will really help your mitochondria stay clear of toxins and work as they should. Here are some great essential oils for detoxing that can become part of your regular routine!

Check out my blog on the Top 10 Ways to Reduce Toxic Load for more effective solutions!

5 – Eat for Your Health

Food is the fuel your mitochondria use to give you your power, so choosing healthy, whole foods like vegetables and healthy fats is crucial to helping yourself be the best you possible.

When and how you eat is just as important to your mitochondrial health as what you eat. Studies are even finding increased brain function with intermittent fasting practices. Frequent snacking slows down your mitochondria, which means the food you are eating is not getting processed and you aren’t getting all the energy you could be.

Ever feel sluggish after a meal? Feel like you need a mid-afternoon boost? Unhealthy eating patterns make your blood sugar bounce around, which causes even more stress on your mitochondria and makes you feel even foggier.

Commit to 3 healthy meals spread throughout the day, making sure you are giving your body the fuel it needs with healthy choices, and see how much your mind clears up! Part 3 of The Essential Oils Hormone Solution offers some great nutrition guidelines to help reset your body so you don’t feel the cravings that drive you to the candy drawer in the middle of the afternoon!


Supporting your brain and cellular health does not have to be complicated. I created Essentially Whole® Neuro+ Support to be a simple tool that you can use to improve memory and focus, protect your long-term brain health, and feel more energized and productive ASAP!

Get it here today! >>

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