#164: How to Boost Your Fertility in Your 30s and Beyond with Lauren Noel

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What we’re talking about in this episode

  • How to gear your body up to become ready for conception no matter your age
  • The three facets of fertility and how to set yourself up for success 
  • Tips for both men and women to increase fertility and support healthy eggs
  • The importance of relaxation and saying no when trying to get pregnant 
  • Addressing misconceptions around miscarriages, egg freezing, and more

Episode Summary

If you are worried that you may have started trying to conceive too late in life, Dr. Lauren Noel, better known as Dr. Lo, has some good news for you. As a naturopathic doctor and fertility expert with a 99% success rate of getting women pregnant, Dr. Lo knows a thing or two about fertility. Dr. Lo is one of my go-to practitioners and a top fertility expert, and she is here today to highlight the importance of your fertility, regardless of your intention to have a family. 

Your menstrual cycle, hormones, and fertility are some of the biggest indicators of your overall health and should always be a priority when it comes to checking in with your body. Today Dr. Lo is here to help ensure that you are healthy and fertile in case you want to start a family or just make certain that your body is running the way it is supposed to. 

After helping herself and countless others have a baby after 30, Dr. Lo has a wealth of knowledge on how to create golden eggs and golden swimmers so that you can achieve optimal fertility. Exploring everything from the misconceptions around fertility and age to providing natural remedies to keep your body healthy and fertile, Dr. Lo is the fertility expert of your dreams. 

Being fertile is a big win, and you can achieve it despite what society or mainstream medicine has told you. By increasing your nutrients, decreasing your stress, and implementing Dr. Lo’s techniques, you can increase your chances of not only getting pregnant but staying pregnant. 

Did Dr. Lo’s message of hope provide you with a new perspective on your fertility? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


“I was realizing that so many ladies were coming to see me because they wanted to get pregnant, but more so, that so many of them were getting pregnant who weren’t even trying … because I was addressing their own bodies’ physiology to work the way that it is designed to work.” (10:30)

“Both of us were not fertility candidates. And we both got pregnant naturally! Of course, it could be a coincidence, do I think it is? No, I think it is just the power of natural medicine and really just the power of our own bodies.” (13:12)

“For any woman listening who wants to get pregnant, you have to learn how to be comfortable with pressing the no button.” (27:49)

“The body is doing what it is supposed to, we just got to give it what it needs and support it.” (30:40)

“Maybe you are not actively getting pregnant but you feel your clock ticking, it is a really good time to do some of the groundwork, prepare your body for when that time comes.” (45:48)

“Prepare your body for what it is that you want to create, and health for yourself is just a natural side effect.” (48:58)

Resources Mentioned

The 3 Ways to Supercharge Your Fertility Free Gift

Dr. Lo Radio Podcast

Shine Natural Medicine Website

Golden Eggs Fertility Website (get 20% off with the code drmariza)

Follow Dr. Lo on Instagram

Follow Shine Natural Medicine on Instagram

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